Would you like your own Peachey Letter?

Frank stamp

When I started writing my Peachey Letters blog, it was just for me… to exercise my writing muscles, exorcise my demons and to celebrate my blonde, complicated, amazing, up and down kind of a life.

It all kicked off when I decided to set my self a blog challenge to write a ‘love letter to life’ every day of the month of February 2012; and to ensure that I completed my own task, I decided to go public and tell the world what I was going to do on social media…

After only the 2nd post I thought I had done a completely crazy thing and would be judged for being a mad woman, having a mid life crisis… Then I started to get the most AMAZING feedback (some of which you can see elsewhere on this blog) – so many people were touched by my letters, and so it came to pass that a year later in February 2013 my gorgeous book ‘Peachey Letters – Love Letters to Life was published’.

Some of my letters sprang from my psyche and I simply helped them onto the page, where as others still were created at the request of friends, colleagues and mentors.  One such was the letter to Gill Potter, based on the speech I gave at her book launch…

Since starting my blog I have been asked to write ‘bespoke’ letters – for birthdays, weddings (vows and gifts), the opening of a business, Mother’s and Father’s Day, etc.   So, since I have been quietly beavering away at this in the background, I have now decided to offer this opportunity out to the world at large…

It’s all detailed here on my website – where you can purchase your Bespoke Peachey Letter which comes with a hard copy of the book too.

My Peachey Letters are my gift to you and if you would like the gift of your own letter, then I’d love to hear from you.

With warm writerly regards


Sandra Peachey: Author of ‘Peachey Letters – Love Letters to Life

Peachey Letters Out and About…

Whilst all has been quiet on the blog front for a little while, Peachey Letters has been out there in the world doing its’ own bookish thing…

To my great excitement the book is now stocked in library branches in both Leamington Spa and Coventry (central England for those of you outside the UK) and they have even been tweeting about it!  It’s a far cry from the quiet days when I used to borrow books at these same branches as a child, and I feel really honoured that they are supporting and stocking a local authoress in this way.

As a speaker, I am frequently appearing at networking groups, book clubs, charities and other organisations to talk about the book.  The fact that it started life as a blog and is such a personal memoranda, seems to have captured the imagination of many, and so I love to share my story and encourage others to drop their demons, celebrate their lives and pursue their publishing dreams too.

Peachey Letters and my self have been featured in a number of publications too: nationally it has featured in the hard and digital editions of Psychologies Magazine (see below) and a fabulous 2 page spread in The Lady.


The first ever media article was in my local newspaper in Coventry and there have been a number of mentions across Warwickshire media too, most recently with a spread in the Social pages of Warwickshire Life (see below).

Warks Life Article

It has also found its’ way onto a number of websites, including Silver Surfers, Mature Times, and an interesting Question and Answer feature on Female First.

Peachey Letters has even received a favourable book review from a local book shop – written as it turns out by my old RE teacher from school days! And I have found it referenced on a number of blogs, including this one from a lovely lady called Harriet Stack.

When I started my blog back in February 2012 – I never could have imagined the impact it would have, and the journey continues…

Last but not least I am developing not one, but four different new book projects at the moment!   The next one to be published is a collaboration with 9 authoresses from (female personal development community) Damsels in Success (of which I am a director) and for which I have written a chapter.  We are just about to start work on our 4th draft, which is why these things take time to come to fruition… so watch this space for more news!!

And that is all from Peachey Letters for now… There will, no doubt be more…

With warm regards


Sandra Peachey: Author of Peachey Letters – Love Letters to Life

You can purchase the book on my website, on Amazon and in any book shop worth its’ salt 😉