Equanimity in the Time of Corona

So… how do you keep your calm, when it seems much of the world is frustrated, snappy and anxious?  Well in truth, maybe like me, you don’t, 100% of the time. But you keep choosing the calm path and continue to take choices that cherish, rather than rubbish, this strange Corona time.  For me that has been a commitment to exercise and to be pushed, in every way to take up running… Still very much a beginner (beyond running for a train), but determined to control the things I can – including running – and accept those that I can’t.

So, it’s been another busy week…

During which I couldn’t honestly claim to be the perfect person who radiated constant calm…  Yes, I’ll admit that in amongst the smiles and seriousness, I’ve snapped and sulked…

People all around me (at a safe social distance) are also manifesting stress in an myriad of ways. I choose to recognise that for what it is – namely their response to what is going on and most likely nothing to do with me.  I also choose not to judge myself or anyone else for frayed tempers, tantrums and tears.

And while I’m at it, I’m going to add to my Conscious Choice List:

  • Firstly I’m making every effort not to take out my own frustrations on others.
  • I think constantly about what I can positively bring to ‘the party’ both at work and with all those people I care about – my circle of family and friends.
  • I’m making sure that I take care of myself, which includes eating healthily and exercising…  I’m still allowed treats though!
  • I check in with myself – deciding to be aware of what’s going on for me, so I can change direction if necessary.  I’m also honest with those around me about where I am emotionally, so they understand and so that together we can either accept or find a way forward.

As I say though, I’m not perfect and still very much a magnificent ‘work in progress‘, which means that it is more important than ever that I celebrate life’s little wins…

Once such was when when I woke up in the Spring sunlight a couple of mornings ago, with my brain rattling through its latest list of anxieties.  Instinctively I decided that before I did anything else, it was time for a run…

As with many such things I first went through a procrastination phase.  This included browsing online shops for the latest and best running gear, including shoes and headphones.   However, I had most of these things already, so the only piece of new gear I actually ended up purchasing – to spur me on in my jogging journey – was an armband – so I could easily plug into my running app (‘Couch to 5K’) and fill my head with motivational music.

So on the morning in question, before anything else, I strapped it on over my running gear and stepped outside.

Not many people were out and about that early, but everyone I met (and kept a caring distance from), returned my wheezy / breezy ‘Good morning’.

And the running was tough at times, but I did it.  All of it.

And here is a picture of me post run – pink-faced but happy I’d started the day the right way.

Post run pink

And that was what I choose on that day – equanimity – for me.

Wishing you conscious choice too.

Stay Safe.

Sandra – Runner and Writer.

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