Sunshine & Rain Poetry

As the centre of my own universe, I’ve been observing myself of late and as is often the case in my literary world, am making metaphors and poetry as I feel into my changing moods and feel them reflected in the world around me. So here are 2 poems, written several days apart this week, on similar themes:

There’s death in my garden today;
plants that didn’t survive the leeching sun;
grass turned into thousands of yellow needles, ready to spurn and spike, deflecting me from sprawling.

Yet everything has its season;
the sun brought drought and heat, as the water evaporated from the earth;
only to be rained upon and replenished.

So now there’s flower and fruit in this leafy land;
a stunning abundance of beauty, ripening and full;
it’s a surprising, forgotten reminder, that after days & days of dry, I always experience an oasis.

And I have to capture it on camera;
dazzled by the multitude of colours amongst the dry decay;
whilst seeing the variety of vibrant greens on display in this sensual scene.

I share all this in stereo, sitting on a shaded step;
there’s a cat lying either side of me, their guardian;
so they’re snaking and squirming their joie de vivre, as I smile, inside out.

In my metaphorical brain, I see how what’s around me, reflects me;
I’ve emerged from a long drought of exhaustion & illness;
all the time still breathing and doing, but dragging my feet in the dust.

As a Manifestor, my energy rises high and falls low with the momentum of waves;
and in the last few weeks, it has calmly climbed and come home; now pulsing with positivity, my brain with instinctive, creative clarity…

Back in my sacred garden, Buddha looks on from his spot in the shade;
Magnificent in his aura of aged Kintsukuroi;
knowing, accepting, rejoicing.

So… the grapes just outside my door are ripening… I’ve just floated out of a yoga class, and I’ve come over all poetical:

My garden is revelling in the rain;
since being scorched by the sun;
and now sated by a divine monsoon…

Softly growing towards autumn;
soaking up the sky’s offerings;
building them to blossom into burgeoning flower and fruit…

My very own Mediterranean terrain;
here in the middle of seasonal England;
facing south and making life…

And the sun has now disappeared without saying good bye, having returned to her languorous chaise longue beyond the clouds.

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